Using the Get It button and checking the options it's possible to get those paterns in several formats. The result will be presented in a Dialog Box
The table below was obtained as follows:
  1. Downloaded the file (done in 09/06/2011), which contains the last version (version 30, Jully 2011) of all ISO 13616 compliant national IBAN formats.
  2. The online tool was used to convert the pdf in XML(Excel)
  3. The resulting XML file is transformed, on the fly, by this XSLT. You may need to allow ActiveX if you use IE
Warning: The Kazakhstan format seems to be incorrect and is not complient neither with description (see the pdf document) nor with the examples provided. So you are advised to check it.
Note: The pattern columns are editable. Just click on cells. You may also use keyboard arrows to navigate over the pattern cells.
How many
Which one
Type of pattern Get It
Check also
Type of result