The ht5ifv only expose two methods:
The first one is used to extend or replace the ht5ivf with new restrictions. Througth it the developer
has access to a set o static methos.
The second method is intended to be used by developers who wish to add inline validation to HTML5 forms.
This second method provides access to instance methods.
Instance Methods
Usage: $(selector).htivf([method],[options])
Invoked without arguments assumes init method which installs inline validation for all defined HTML5
constraints/restrictions (required, pattern, min, max) as well as implicit restrictions associated with the
input types. If no options are provided it uses internal defined defaults. When options are present they
will overlap the internal defaults.
In most situations those defaults should be appropriate but the developer may want/need to redefine
them or even add or suppress new restrictions. Those operations can be done through the options parameter
when installing the ht5ifv (default init method) or through the static method jQuery.htifv(). For this second
alternative see the api for that
The second argument is a map of options in the form key:value which allows the (re)definition of the classes
to use in error situations, the targets where those should be displayed, the events that trigger the
validation or checking, callbacks and some minor important options. All keys are optional.
Some od these options may have global or local scope. We call it global when it is defined at top
level and local when defined in context of other option.
Local scopes always take precedence over global ones
For method init(the default) the options can be grouped in 4 groups. In the first group there
are the options which may be used at global or local scope. The second group just contains one special
option. The third group defines local contexts where the first group may also be used. The last group
is just a set of boolean options
In the following sections those options are described
The following group of options can be used at global scope or in a local scope. The provided examples
show how to use it at global scope. When used in the context of other options will have local scope
- classes
When the value is a map it associates (sub)states errors with CSS classes
If the developer wishes to change how the flagged error is displayed it may be changed here,
as exemplified:
valid:'', //it suppress any visual effect for valid fields
invalid:'my-error-class', //use my-error-class to flag the invalid fields
//If you intend to add new restrictions you may define here how those errors look like
Alternatively a function may be provided. It receives the restriction as a parameter and
must return a string with class names that will be used to flag the fields non conforming
with the restriction.
classes: function($r){ return 'my-class-for-'+$r}
By defaults this option is assumed to be
classes: function($restriction){ return 'ht5ifv-show-' + $restriction}
- targets
The targets option defines where the flags should be raised.
It may be defined in a compact form or detailed by restriction.
In both cases the developer should provide functions which must return
a set of jQuery DOM elements
In the compact form it is a function which receives two parameters.
The first one is the jQuery object representing the form field and the second
is a string representing the type of error
targets:function($field,$type){return $field}
Alternatively it may be specified restriction by restriction as a map where the keys
are the restriction names. In this case the function only receives one parameter,
the jQuery object representing the field where the error occurs.
required:function($field){return $field},
type:function($field){return $field.parent()},
min:function($field){return $field},
max:function($field){return $field},
pattern:function($field){return $field},
valid:function($field){return $field.parent()},
invalid:function($field){return $field.parent()}
The default is targets:function($field,$restriction){return $field}
- callbacks
This option allows us to define callback functions which may be invoked every time a
validate or check is performed or when a (sub)state transition occurs.
Like targets it may be defined as an unique, two parameters, function or a map of restrictions and
one parameter functions
valid: function($field){alert('The field is now valid.Thank you')},
invalid: function($field){alert('The field is invalid.Please fixe it')},
pattern: function($field){alert('The field does not very the pattern')},
type: function($field){ //implicit restriction associated to the type in input elements
alert('The value in the field ' + $field.attr('name')
+ ' is invalid for the type ' + $field.attr('type'))
By default it is a null function:callbacks:function($field,$restriction){}
The definitions in this option have a global scope
- events
The events option defines when the validate (test restrictions) or check (compute valid or
invalid state) will be performed.
This option is a map of only two keys, validate and check. The values must be a list of events
in a space separated string. Each event should be defined in ht5ifv namespace. This is not
strictly required but if omitted the ht5ifv won't unbind them when it is destroyed
validate: 'mouseover.ht5ifv focus.ht5ifv',
check: 'blur.ht5ifv mouseout.ht5ifv',
The values by default are:
validate: 'focus.ht5ifv keyup.ht5ifv', //validate every time a key is released or get the focus
check: 'blur.ht5ifv' //only check status on blur
Note: By default this won't be applied to the fields select, radio and checkbox, as these fields have,
also by default, local definitions. It means that if the developer needs to change the events for
those fields she must define them in the correspondent local scope, not at global scope
- restrictions
In a first form it (re)defines handlers to validate the field against a named restriction.
It is a map where the keys are the restriction names and the values are functions which must
return a boolean value.
Those handlers receive two parameters, the first to identify the form field and the second is a boolean
to flag if the empty fields should be ignored or not
required: function($field){ //redefine the HTML5 required constraint/restriction
var $v = $field.val();
return $v && /^[^\s]*$/.test($v) //returns true if not empty and haven't white spaces
data-size: function($field,$ignoreEmpty){
//New restriction, ex: < input type="text" data-size="9" name="tel"/ >
var $v = $node.val();
var $l = $v.length;
var $m = $'size');
return ($v =='' && $ignoreEmpty ) || $l == $m
By default only two restrictions are defined globally, the required and the pattern. All others
restrictions (type, min, max) are locally defined. Besides, the fields radio and checkbox also redefines
the restriction required. That means, if the developer wants to redefine them, she must do it locally
In order to simplify the definitions of new restrictions an alternative format is possible.
Instead of associating the restriction name with a handler the developer may associate it with a map
with following keys:
handler: Specify the handler to be invoked to determine if the restriction
is satisfied or not
classe: The CSS classes to be applied when in error. The key is 'classe' with 'e' in the
end to avoid the javascript reserved word 'class'
target: Where the error should be flagged
callback: A callback function to be invoked when a (sub)state transition occur
handler: function($field,$ignoreEmpty){
var $v = $node.val();
var $l = $v.length;
var $m = $'size');
return ($v =='' && $ignoreEmpty ) || $l == $m
classe: 'my-class-for-size',
target: function($field){return $('#errorMsg')}
callback: function($field){
$('#errorMsg').html('The value in the fiel ' +
$field.attr('name') + ' should be ' +
$'size') +
' caracters in length');
The following option can only be used at global scope
The following options defines local scopes where the first set, of above options,
may also be used. The local scopes always take precedence over global scopes
- radio
This element defines a local scope for definitions for inputs of type radio
radio:{ //the target option bellow will be used only by inputs of type radio
targets: function($field,$r){return $field.parent()}
Notice that by default errors are flagged on the field itself. However for radios and checkboxes
this doesn't produce any visual effects on browsers.
We faced the temptation of defining the parent as the target for these two kinds of inputs but
that could produce undesirable effects in situations where those inputs are not aggregated in
an exclusive wrap element
As so we left it to the developer to decide where she wants to see the errors.
By default they won't be visually flagged.
A code as the above example could be enough
By default this option assumes the following values:
required:function ($radioGroup,$node){
return $radioGroup.filter(':checked').length 0
validate: 'change.ht5ifv',
check: 'change.ht5ifv'
Also notice that for radio inputs the validation invokes the handler
not with the field itself as first parameter but with a set of all inputs
of type radio sharing the same name within the same form.
- checkbox
Similar to radio but for ckeckboxes
By default this option assumes the following values:
required: function($node){
return $':checked')
validate: 'change.ht5ifv',
check: 'change.ht5ifv'
- select
Similar to radio but for selects
By default this option assumes the following values:
required:function ($node){
return $node.val() != null;
validate: 'change.ht5ifv',
check: 'change.ht5ifv'
- textarea
This element defines a local scope for definitions for textarea form elements
By default this element is empty
- types
Defines local scopes for each input type. It is a map of following input types:
Additional the type _defaults is also used to define a local scope for unknown types.
For each type above the implicit restriction is defined by default according to the W3C
specifications. The restrictions min and max are defined to these types:
date, datetime, datetime-local, month, number, range, time and week
If the developer needs to add a new type it should be defined here
Some examples
- Add restricton min-length to password fields
var $v = $node.val();
var $l = $v.length;
var $m = $'minLength'); //see jquery 1.6 .data() method
return ($v =='' && $ignoreEmpty ) || $l = $m
- Define the type city
var $v = $node.val();
return ($v =='' && $ignoreEmpty ) || /^[a-z\-\s'.]+$/.test($v)
- Change date format to be mm/dd/yyyy (Simplified! See the function checkDateFormat in ht5ifv code )
return $node.val().match(/^(\d{2})\/(\d{2})\/(\d{4})$/)
This group of options defines only booleans
callbackOnlyStatusTransitions: true,
callbackOnlyErrorTransitions: true,
ignoreEmptyFields: true,
safeValidate: true,
- browserValidate
By default the ht5ifv turns off browser validation. Set this value to true
if you want to use the browser internal validation cumulatively
- callbackOnlyStatusTransitions
The callback function for (in)valid state is only invoked when a state transition occurs.
Set this option to false if you need to receive a callback every time a check action is performed
- callbackOnlyErrorTransitions
The callback function for any restriction is only invoked when, as result of a validation, the
field enters into the correspondent error sub-state. Set this option to false if you need to receive
a callback every time a validation is performed and the field enters or stays in error.
- ignoreEmptyFields
By default empty fields are not validated, except for the required restriction. Set this option to
false if you don't want to ignore it
- safeValidate
A check action computes the state (valid or invalid) of a field as the result of a validation action
for each restriction. A field is invalid if at least one validation evaluates to false.
Normally a validation action must have a higher frequency of running than a check action.
For example, a validation may occur every time a key is pressed and the check only occurs when
the field loses the focus. However, as this is configurable it may happen that a check is
performed without a previous validate action. This can leave the field in an incorrect situation
where it is invalid and is not flagged as so.
For that reason, by default, a check action triggers a validation event before computing the field
This behaviour could be disabled by setting this option to false. It will be safe to do that if it
is ensured that a validate event occurs always before a check event.
- checkDisable
By default the disabled fields are not flagged. Set this option to false to also validate and check
disabled fields
- validateOnSubmit
Set this option to false if you don't want to perform validation on submit.
Setting validateOnSubmit: false
and browserValidate: true
allows using
ht5ifv to perform inline validation and the builtin browser validation to perform validation on submit
- init
This is the default method and when invoked it overrides the defaults with values in the options
and binds restriction handlers for each form field. See
This method is chainable
- validate
Triggers validate and check actions for each form field.
This method is chainable.
- valid
The same as validate but returns a boolean.
It returns true if all the fields are valid.
- reset
Resets the form
This method is chainable.
- reload
Reloads the fields with default values. If some fields are filtered out (option filter) they
won't be reloaded. For the user, this is the only noticeable difference to the reset method. Internally the
reset method triggers a reset event while the default method finds the default values for each field and
sets it
This method is chainable.
- clean
Clean the fields
This method is chainable.
- destroy
Unbind all previous .ht5ifv binds
This method is chainable.
var $options = { /*options*/ };
$('#fexample1').ht5ifv($options).ht5ifv('validate'); //init the ht5ifv and then validate
$('#fexample1').ht5ifv('validate'); //Validate all fields and flag them if they are in error
$('#fexample1').ht5ifv('reset'); //Reset the form. It trigger the jQuery reset event
$('#fexample1').ht5ifv('reload'); //Reload the default values
$('#fexample1').ht5ifv('clean'); //Clean all fields
$('#fexample1').ht5ifv('destroy'); //destroy any ht5ifv data or bind
$('#fexample1').ht5ifv('init',$options); //Init the ht5ifv
alert($('#fexample1').ht5ifv('valid')); //Similiar to validate but returns a boolean
Static Methods
Usage: $.htivf(method,[args])
These set of method allows to extend the ht5ify for supporting new
restrictions or new input types. It may also be used to redefines
the exiting ones.
Method extend
Usage: $.htivf('extend',options,[global],[selfContained])
This method allows to extend the default options with the options passed in second argument
The options are the same
as described for the method
However, unlike that method the options classes, targets, callbacks, events and restrictions
when defined at top level only have global scope for the restrictions defined in this method.
That is, the top level defined options still have global scope but they just apply to the module.
This is done to avoid conflicts with others extensions.
/********************PT formats extension module************************/
/* It defines some formats used in Portugal */
ptcp:{ //PT Car number Plates
type: function($node,$ignoreEmpty){ // AA-00-00 or 00-AA-00 or 00-00-AA
var $v = $node.val();
var $re = /^[A-Z]{2}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}|[0-9]{2}-[A-Z]{2}-[0-9]{2}|[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}-[A-Z]{2}$/;
return ($v =='' && $ignoreEmpty ) || $re.test($v) }
ptpc:{ //PT Postal Code
type: function($node,$ignoreEmpty){ // 0000-000
var $v = $node.val();
return ($v =='' && $ignoreEmpty ) || /^([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{3})$/.test($v)
type: 'ext-error-type' //this class is only applied to types defined here
If the developer needs to redefine some default
options with this method, she should explicit indicate it,
by passing the value true on third parameter
For example if a developer has several html forms where
she would like to use they own classes she may redefine them
once and use it later several times.
classes: function($restriction){return 'my-class-'+$restriction;}
}, true); //With third parameter true it overlap the global defaults
Method defaults
Usage: $.htivf('defaults')
Expose all defaults and allow the developer to use or change those internal structures
/*Define a new type but with the same behaviour of an existing one*/
var $d = $.ht5ifv('defaults');
types:{ //myDate is a copy of internal date type
myDate: $.extend(true,{},$
Another Example:
/*Change the default classes*/
var $d = $.ht5ifv('defaults');
$d.classes = function($restriction){ return 'My-class-for-' + $restriction};
Method register
Usage: $.htivf('register',name,handler[,force])
Register a module which may be used later to install parametrized extensions.
The handler is installed under the name name. If the name already exist and force parameter is
true it will override the old one.
The handler may receive any number of parameters and should always return a map of options as
described in the
init instance method. That return map will be
used as the second parameter of
extend static method
Example (see also
use method):
$.ht5ifv('register','cc',function($mode,$name){ //install module cc
/*Handler usage:
Example 1
JS -> $.ht5ifv('use',['cc','type','CreditCardType']) //use cc module as CreditCardType type
HTML -> <input type="CreditCardType"/>
Example 2
JS -> $.ht5ifv('use',['cc','restriction','CC']) //use cc module as CC restriction
HTML -> <input type="text" data-CC="1"/>
/* Checksum function */
var $creditCard: function($v){ //Lunh Algorithm
var $sum = 0;
for(var $i = $v.length - 2; $i >= 0 ; $i -= 2){
var $n = 2 * $v.charAt($i);
if ($n > 9) $sum += $n - 9
else $sum += $n;
for(var $i = $v.length - 1; $i >= 0 ; $i -= 2){
$sum += 1 * $v.charAt($i);
return $sum % 10 == 0
var $options = {};
if (!$name || typeof $name == 'string' && $name.length == 0){
console.warn('ht5ifv.%S - No name provided for the type/restriction',$name);
if (!$mode || $mode === 'type'){ //by default or when mode is type
$options.types = (function($o){ //define a type implicit restriction
$o[$name] = {restrictions:{type: $creditCard}};
return $o;
}else if($mode === 'restriction'){
$options.restrictions = (function($o){ //define a global explicit restriction
$o['data-' + $name] = $creditCard;
return $o;
return $options; //The register handler must always return a map, even if it is empty
Method unregister
Usage: $.htivf('unregister')
Unregister a previous registered module
Method clean
Usage: $.htivf('clean')
Remove all registered modules
Method use
Usage: $.htivf('use'[,args])
Evaluates the registered modules handlers and then use the results to install new extensions.
If the args are missing all registered modules will be evaluated with defaults values and installed
as new extensions.
If the args are present and they are a list of names, the registered handlers with those names
will be evaluated with defaults values and installed as extensions.
/*Evaluate creditCard, IBAN and VAT registered handlers and use the results to install new extensions */
Is the args are present and they are a list of arrays the htifv use the first element of each arrays
to identify the handler and evaluate it using the values in following positions as arguments for the handler.
The args could also be a mixed list of names and arrays
/*Evaluate creditCard handler with parameters 'type' and 'CC' and use the result to install a new restriction*/
/*Evaluate IBAN with default values and use the result to install a new restriction*/
/*Evaluate VAT handler with parameters 'restriction' and 'vat' and use the result to install a new restriction*/